REZNOR SOFTWARE PROUDLY PRESENTS- REZ & SPARKY-AT THE FAIR. -AN INTERATIVE COMIC BOOK! FOR ALL 1 MEG + AMIGA`S!-BY AARON HOLT IMPORTANT! This program was made with assignments made to the disk called "Rez&Sparky". If you are going to use this program of one of these Amiga magazines covermounted CD then hopefully then can get it working by assignning this disk to a place on the CD. If you want to get it running of you HD then you also must add an assignment to your start-up-sequence, or a assignment that can be accessed from your WB. The easyist way though is to get a BLANK 880K disk ( MAKE SURE IT IS AN 880K DISK.USING SOME FORMATTERS ONLY GIVE YOU 840K SO DO THIS- Get your Work Bench disk out (It should be 880k) and then copy this disk onto your blank disk and then *DELETE ALL* the files on the new Workbench disk(the one you just copied your original WB onto) then call your disk "Rez&Sparky" and then just copy over the files to the disk -ie This file,Rez&Sparky(the main program), Sounds and Scenes. The last two are only accessable on WB2+ by selecting "Show all" in WB. Now load the main program from your new "Rez&Sparky" disk( with 880k, you see) and everything should work OK! For HD users just copy over the files to your HD draw and assign it to look for it there! HI all Amiga owners out there, I have just completed my first *ORIGINAL* software title. It has taken me quite a long time to do actualy although I would have had it done alot quicker if the programs code was not always infected with bugs, but I seem to have got them all sorted out at the moment.EXCEPT for a very small bug, which sometimes crashes your Amiga:( Its good that its rare though:) I did actually think it would only work on a 2 meg A1200 but it seems that it *DOES* actually run on 1 Meg Amiga`s, but only just, so if you have a cluttered up Workbench or something like that it might not work if you only have 1 meg. You probably would get past that problem by booting your computer without a start-up-sequence OR by putting the program on a disk that loads up the DOS screen so you can run it from there(remember the "Boot without start-up-sequence" is only available to WB2+ users).Once you have done one of these ways then enter the following text, it would be like this: DF0:Rez&Sparky And then it should load up perfectly. There are instructions on the program its self which explain it in detail with nice colour piccys:) A few things it does miss out on is that on the Credits,shareware notice and Instructions pages, these can be exited by clicking on the "EXIT" icon in the top-left hand corner of the page.These return you back to the main menu. Also in the Instructions page (The first one) you can move onto the second page of instructions by pressing the icon on the near the bottem right hand corner. And also on each page there is a page number I.E-"Page 4 of 11", this just reminds you what page you are on in the comic, and how many pages there are in the comic-In this case 11. Sorry if the voices sound abit confusing for the first time(or maybe even the second time), but you probably will understand after. If you get confused and still don`t know, Rez is the Red Bird and Sparky is the Brown Sparrow (I still don`t know what Rez is really, maybe a Parrot? maybe a Sparrow? Tell me if you can help please! REZ=squeakish voice,SPARKY=Normalish voice,ICE CREAM man=Wierd voice:) Well I think that is it really EXCEPT.......... SHAREWARE NOTICE! You are entitled to pass this program around to all your mates, up-load it to a local BBS perhaps(Or if anyone wants to, upload it to the aminet----But E-mail me first to tell me otherwise everyone would be doing that!.I unfortunatly don`t have Internet access on my Amiga, but expect to have it soon:) KEEP EVERYTHING THE WAY IT ORIGINALLY WAS! DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING! If you continue to use this program alot you will need to send £3.50 to me.By doing this you will be convincing me( And my M8 who wants to see how well my program does before he does anything really good) to produce more Amiga programs.If you do this then you will also get my next program free!!!!!! Don`t know what it will be but it could be another comic book( More than likely) or even a game, I`m not sure at the moment but I will get started on something new soon(After I have had a long rest that is;) Please support shareware releases as it gives the best for everyone. Please send me information when you register like what your Amiga`s specs are and what type of games you like, Plus an e-mail address if you have one. You might just find that this program doesn`t suite you or you age range, it was a childrens program to start off with but it will provide some entertianment I suppose( well me and my friends think its amusing!) Also I did have to make most of the samples smaller so that all of the other files would fit on the disk. I suppose actually people with HD`s could get the full speech samples of me and just replace them with the ones that come with the original version, which is very simple to do. I don`t know how much differnce there is between them and the originals, but they do enhance it abit.If you want these extended sets then just send a blank disk when you register with me and I will copy them onto your disk for you so you can exchange them with your other ones. I probably will be putting these extended sets on a few of my local BBS~s, and maybe a Magazine CD in the future. Right then my E-Mail address is: E-mail me for any reason at all or points which have relevance to above. I will try and answer all E-Mail but I can only read my E-Mail every weekend so be sure to do it soon! If you want to register with me please send a cheque/postal order (send cash if you have to-But make sure its not in coins!) Made payable to: Aaron Holt Address: Reznor Software 6 Harrow Lane, St-leonards-on-sea, East Sussex TN37 7JR Also by registering I might be able to produce a newsletter every couple of months or so, if I have enough programs coming out I can mention them in this! PS-TO SEE THE PROGRAM ICON GOOD USE 8 COLOUR WB! TO ALL AMIGA PROGRAMMERS OUT THERE! Right then your a Amiga programmer then:) Why don`t you try and make some kewl games that can equal PC games and the console games? I have seen people that have achieved this such as Slipstream as good clone of WipEout, Then you have all your Doom games which have been done on the Amiga too. A few adventure games I.E- The excellent "Toon Struck" (I would love it if this come out on the Amiga!) which uses a Roger Rabbit/Cool World type thing would be great for the Amiga as well as something like a Tomb Raider/Resident Evil/Nights/Mario 64 which are all totally brill games could probably be done to some extent on the amiga and in some case already have been done to some extent I.E the fab "3D Hunter" ( Which does infact look like the game "Body Harvest" on the N64!). This game is partly like Mario 64 (Except usually just on flat land and not so good graphics as Mario 64 etc). It seems weird most commercial companies and Amiga programmers developing for the Amiga just produce 2D games. WE WANT 3D GAMES GALORE! Anyway anyone out there please take notice of this and I hope it`s given you a few ideas!